Extract / Replace


This option allows you to extract information relating to an individual client from the database and to replace the data onto a client in the same location, or to a different computer.

This option can usually only be accessed by the master user or a super user, however, permission can be given to other users to be able to do this.  For more information on Staff Maintenance, select Setup | Staff Maintenance, click View or New and press the F1 function key or click on the ? Help icon on any screen.


The extract or replace options may be used for the following:

Click here for further information on the share register.


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  1. Select the client you wish to extract.

  2. Before you begin the extract you may wish to print report CLD, this report lists all the data that will not be extracted for the selected client.

  3. Select Client | Extract.

    You will be asked to specify which directory you wish to extract the file to.

  4. Select the chosen destination and click OK.

    When the extract is complete IRIS displays a message saying 'Post file and associated data extracted successfully'.

  5. Click OK, IRIS will return to the main Accounts production screen.


Extract Monitoring

Once a client has been 'extracted' from the system, messages display to remind you.

These messages will be triggered when you enter the posting screens, data screens and run reports.

This can be useful if you have replaced the client onto a laptop to do work out of the office and do not want to adjust the client on the main system before it is replaced back.

You can chose whether the messages keep appearing (until the client is replaced) by selecting 'remember'. If you want to stop the messages (if the client is not going to be replaced) select 'forget'.


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  1. Select the client onto which you want to replace the data.

  2. Select Client | Replace.

    You will be asked to specify which directory you wish to replace the file from.

  3. Click the directory the file was extracted to and click OK.

    IRIS will display all the extract files that have been extracted to the selected directory.

  4. Highlight the file you wish to replace from and click Select.

    IRIS will display the file details and ask you to confirm that it is 'OK to replace from this extract file?'.
    IRIS will offer the option Yes, No or Yes to All.

  5. Click Yes to continue, No to stop, or Yes to All for IRIS to continue without asking any further questions.

    Before data is replaced any existing data must be deleted. You are asked to confirm that existing data can be deleted. During the replace process account period end dates may be found for periods which have not been set up for the new client. If this is the case you are asked to confirm that a new account period end date can be set up. At the end of the replace procedure you are advised to check that the dates are correct.

    When the replace is complete IRIS will display a message saying 'REPLACE ACTION COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY'.

  6. Click OK, IRIS will return to the main Accounts production screen.


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General notes

Q1, Can extract include all information about a client in the file which it creates?

No, the following data items are excluded from the file:

Run the CLD report to see a full list of the information that the extract will not take.


Q2, Why are these excluded?

The client name, address and key dates are the basic identification details within the database. As a protection for the data, the system insists that clients must be registered before extracted data can be replaced.

Directors' and partners' details may not relate only to the current client. A person who is a director of a company may also be a director of other (client) companies, a partner in one or more partnerships, and a sole trader. If the replace process included this information, but only with regard to one client, it could possibly overwrite existing information and invalidate database relationships.


Q3, Can I replace client data to a different client to that from which data was extracted?

Yes. The program displays the original client name and asks you to confirm that you wish to continue.


Q4, Can I replace client data to a different IRIS database to the one from which it was extracted?

Yes.  Using this technique, you can move client data to a laptop computer in order to work away from the office, or to move data between computers in the same office which are not networked.

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