Record other client details

The Other tab can be found in the Client Details page (Client > Details). It lists other known addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and network folders for the selected client.

Select entries from the dropdown list to view already entered information. This additional information can be shown on the Client Dashboard if configured to do so.

New entries can be added by clicking the New button and then entering the details. Click the Apply button to confirm.

To delete an entry from the list, select the Delete button next to the entry.

Tip: If the client requires a different billing address to the main contact address, enter an additional address called Billing. This will then be the default address for billing for that client.  

This page also displays additional contact information about the person/organisation.

Field Description Applies To
Occupation This displays a category controlled list of occupations as defined in the category ‘Occupation as per the People table’ within Categories etc > Categories. Person
Gender The gender of the contact. This is a category controlled list in Categories etc > Categories. Person
Pronoun A text field to insert the contact's preferred pronouns. This is a category controlled list in Categories etc > Categories. Person
Marital Status The marital status of the contact. This is also a category controlled list in Categories etc > Categories. Person
Date of Birth A field to record the contact’s date of birth. Person
Date of Death A field to record the contact’s date of death. If this field is populated the contact will not appear in any mail merges. Person
National Insurance No. A field to record the contact’s National Insurance number. Person
Spouse’s Name A field to enter the contact’s spouse’s name. Person
Spouse’s NI No. A field to populate the NI number of the contact’s spouse. Person
Nationality Enter the nationality of the contact. A free form text box. Person
Contact Status Indicates whether the contact is Active or Inactive. Changing the contact status will not change the status of any attached clients. Both
Primary Staff A search facility to attach a primary staff member to the contact. This could be a partner, manager or anyone else. Both
Office A drop-down list as defined in Categories etc. to indicate which office the contact is attached to. This needs to be completed for contacts to appear in a mail merge. Both
Folder The name of the contact’s folder on the file server. The path to the file server is defined against the office category within Categories etc and appended to the file name held in this field to populate the COFS page on the contact. Both
Business Type A category controlled list that is defined in Categories etc > Categories and is used to set the business type of the contact. Both
Family/ Group A check box to indicate whether the contact is a group header or family header. An organisation will become a group header and a person will become a family header. Both
Branch A field to enter branch information for an organisation. Organisation