Record client contacts

This page displays the client’s contact details. These are the same details as can be found on the Contact’s Contact page. If a change is made on the Client’s contact details these will be reflected on the Contact’s details page.

The details that are shown on the page are dependent on whether the client is an individual or an organisation.

Name The Contact’s full name. This can be different to the engagement name on the Client Details page. Both
Title The person’s title For example, Mr, Mrs etc. Person
Initials The person’s initials. Person
Surname The surname of the individual. This is also referred to as the short name in client and contact searches. Person
Short Name Element of the contact’s name that will be used when performing a client/contact search. Organisation
Suffix Any suffix that needs to be applied to the person. For example, MBE Person
Salutation How the person is to be addressed. Person
Forenames Any forenames of the person. Person
Known As The name that the person is known as if different to their forename. Person
Preferred Contact Displays the name of the preferred contact. Click the preferred contacts name to display their contact details. Both
Cont Code A code that can be given to the contact for reporting purposes. Both
Address The contact address for the contact. In the case of a person this should be the person’s home address or left blank if any correspondence will be sent to the preferred contact address. Both
Town/ City The Town/ City element of the address. Both
County The county element of the address. Both
Postcode The postcode of the address. Both
Country The country element of the address. This is a category controlled list within Categories etc. Both
Telephone The contact telephone number. Both
Mobile The contact mobile phone number. Both
Fax The fax number for the contact. Both
Modem A modem number. Both
Docex The document exchange number. Both
Email The contact email address. This must be in a valid email address format. Both
Web The URL of the contact web page. Both
Gov Code The governance code of the contact. Both
Include In Mailing A check box to indicate whether this contact should receive mailings from the mail merge facility. If this is unticked the contact will not appear in mail merges. Person

Click Apply to confirm any changes.

The Undo button will undo the most recent change as long as the Apply button has not been used.