Record WIP/billing information

This page shows the clients work in progress (WIP) and billing settings.

Bill Cycle This field indicates how often the client should be billed. It is for information purposes only.
Charge Band The default charge band used when time is charged to the client in the event of a default ‘service’ charge band not being selected or not being valid for the staff member inputting time on a timesheet.
Rate Type A feature at the Client, Service and Job level that will calculate WIP values based upon the set Rate Type. There are three possible rate types that can be applied:
  • Standard (default) – this will apply the staff members charge rate to any WIP on the Client, Service or Job.
  • % of Standard – this will apply a percentage value to any WIP on the Client, Service or Job. This allows for the WIP to be either discounted or charged at a premium without being dependent upon the staff member having an appropriate charge rate.
  • Flat Rate – this will apply a flat charge rate to any WIP regardless of the staff member’s charge rate.
  • If a rate type is applied at all three levels the Job level rate type will take precedence followed by the Service rate type and finally the Client rate type.

WIP Trigger The maximum total of WIP to be outstanding on the client’s account before a bill is created. Figure for information purposes only.
WIP Limit When the client’s WIP exceeds this figure, the client will be included on their selected Partner/Managers portfolio (Staff Dashboard) as a client over their ‘WIP Limit’.
VAT Rate The VAT Rate to be used when billing the client.
VAT Number The client’s VAT number.
Default Bill Type Select RFP or VAT Invoice as the default bill layout.
Bill Layout Select the preferred bill layout for the client.
Default RFP layout If RFP’s are used, select the default RFP layout for the client.
PO Number Required? This checkbox can be used in the bill policy (if in use) and indicates to the system that a PO number must be given on a bill before the bill can be confirmed.
Name Locked? This will lock the name of the client for bills. This setting is actively used.
Address Locked? This will lock the address of the client for bills. This setting is actively used.
Billing Instructions Any further notes can be entered here on the client’s billing process.

Click Apply to confirm any changes.