View out of scope details
Managers Partners Billers
To view out of scope details, select Portfolios > Billing Portfolio from the menu.
From the Billing Portfolio page, select Out of Scope from the portfolio list.
Click Out of Scope Details. The Out of Scope details page shows any time marked as out of scope when the time was entered for the job. Each entry details the date, staff member, number of hours, original amount, outstanding amount, the task that the out of scope work relates to (if selected when the time was entered), the out of scope reason and checkboxes to allow the out of scope work to be included in a change order.
- Entries can be allocated against a task (if available and have not already been allocated against a task) by selecting from the Task list.
- Deselect the Out of Scope checkbox to allow the entry to be in scope. Click Apply to save any changes.
Create change orders
Change orders can be created to include selected out of scope entries into either a scheduled bill or a manually drafted bill. When creating a change order, an additional task is created for the job that includes all out of scope work in the change order and is then allocated against job and marked as being in scope.
Select the Incl Change Order checkbox for each required entry, then click Change Order.
From the Add New Change Order dialog, will be displayed.
Enter a Title (mandatory), which will be displayed in the Change Order section of the Billing Portfolio.
Enter the Bill Narrative (mandatory) that will appear on the bill that includes the change order. This will be a separate bill narrative section on the bill.
Enter the name of the person at the client who has approved the additional work included in the change order in Approved By (mandatory).
Enter the amount of the change order in Change Value. This is the additional amount that will be billed.
The bill list at the bottom of the dialog is only applicable if there are scheduled bills that the change order can be attached to. Select the bill that the change order should be included with. If no scheduled bills are available, the change order can be drafted manually to create a draft bill.
Click Create. A message is displayed asking if you want to view change orders. Click or Yes or No. Clicking Yes takes you to the Billing Portfolio page with the Change Orders portfolio selected..