Multiple pay dates

The Multiple Pay Days module is for monthly payrolls and is only available when using BACSTEL. It enables a single payroll to have multiple pay date processing.

  1. Go to System Set Up > Company > General Options > Payroll Options and mark the field that allows the dates.

  2. On the next page, select the dates or days in the month required. The dates or days are displayed in the Default pay day column on the right side of the screen. One date or day must be selected as a default pay day.

  3. Go to Employee Files > Employee > Base Data > Bank Details.On this screen a new field is available to select the pay date that is required for this employee.

  4. Report Writer & Export - Variable 2260 Pay day is available for Report Write and Export Layouts, however, currently the variable cannot be used for import layouts.

Payrun Processing

When producing the BACSTEL file in the Payrun, click on a pay day to select or deselect and select OK to generate the file. IRIS Payrite remembers that a BACSTEL file has been generated for a pay day when creating a further file:

This can be overwritten by reselecting.