Make and expense BACS transfer file

Payments | BACS | Make and Expense BACS Transfer File

The source account (company bank account) will be displayed at the top of the screen. These details will be the same as are used for the payrun BACS routines.

Enter the file path and name for the BACS file in the Transfer file name section and select the Type of transfer file from the drop-down list.

You should select an option that matches the requirements of your BACS software or internet banking site.

Next, select which set of account details on the employee records should be used on the BACS file. Select either First account or Second account

Note: Care should be taken if there are bank details for both the first and second bank account details on the individual’s Base Data record and this option was run twice, for example first using ‘Pay to first a/c’ then ‘Pay to second a/c’, as the individuals could be paid twice. If the Pay to second a/c option is to be used it would be advisable to enter details in the second bank account for all individuals, even if the details are the same as for the first bank account; the Pay to second a/c option should then always be selected to pay expenses.

Lastly: there are two dates to complete:

The Date of Payment is the date which the payment is going to be made, and the Expenses Paid Date is the date that will be saved on to the expense record when it is marked as paid. Click OK to create the file. When the file has been created, any records included will have their Pay Status field changed to 32

– in a BACS transfer file.