Generate an expenses nominal file

Expenses | Expense lists and reports | VAT and nominal report

There are options for creating the Nominal transfer file and the Nominal report

Enter a tick for each one you wish to print. The nominal transfer file will be sent to the location specified in System Setup.

Click print to continue.

You can now select the records that are to be included in the print.

Paid between the given dates includes expense records that were paid within the specified date range; a claim will only be included in the report if the paid date on the expense record falls within the specified date range.

Incurred between the given dates includes expense records that have their date within the specified date range – they will be included if the date of the record itself falls within the specified range

If the date fields are left as None, then all expenses will be included in the file.

The last two options deal with the data to be included on the file. Print detail lines will print full details of the expenses on the report, whereas leaving it unchecked will only include totals.

Check the include lines that are not paid out box if expenses codes that have been set up to record values only - e.g. Private Health Schemes paid for by the employer - are to be included in the report

Click OK to produce the report.