Enter unit-based expenses

Expenses | Add/Amend Record

  1. Click the Orange + Icon to add a new record. You can now enter the expense details.

  2. Enter the date of the expense, this field will default to the current system date (today). The Voucher reference can be used to enter a company reference, if required; it has a maximum length of 8 characters.

  3. The Expense code should be selected from the drop-down list, you can add a free-format description to the expense as well if more detail is required.

  4. If you are entering a P11D reportable expense, you may need to complete the Description for P11D field as well.

  5. When you choose a unit-based expense code, a new section entitled Units and Mileage will appear at the bottom of the screen. Enter the units in the fields provided – the first row is rate 1 and the second row (if present) is rate 2. Enter the number of units against the relevant rate. If you have specified a limit, the number of units recorded for the expense code in the tax year or month will be displayed on the right:

    • If you exceed the limit, then the number of units recorded more than the limit will be automatically moved to rate 2, as illustrated below:

    • Example: on entry, the above entry will exceed the limit of 10,000 units in the tax year by 70. When the record is completed, the excess units are transferred to rate 2.

    • If there are any ‘extras’ that apply, then the number of ‘extras’ should be entered in the Extras affecting rate field.

    • This is usually used for passengers – HMRC allows for a 5p increase in the mileage rate per passenger. Therefore, if the mileage record were for a journey with two passengers, you would enter 2 in the Extras field, and the rate would be increased by ten pence per mile.

  6. The Calculation tab shows the Pay Status of the expense, as the calculation is performed on the previous tab for unit-based expenses.

  7. If you are paying the expense through IRIS Payrite, this will initially display 21 – To be paid, IRIS Payrite and will change as you progress through the payrun. Although this field can be changed, you should leave this field to be set by the system. A full list of entries are as follows:

    • 00 Not to be paid out – the field defaults to this when the expense code is set up to be paid as “Not paid out”; no other options will be available.

    • 11 To be paid manually – the field defaults to this when the expense code is set up to be paid as “Manual Payment”; it will automatically change to 13 Has been paid manually when the ‘Mark manual as paid’ process is run.

    • 13 Has been paid manually – if the status is automatically changed by IRIS Payrite the default payment date selected will be displayed; this can be amended if necessary. If the status is changed to this manually the payment date can be entered once the pay status has been set. Note: Once this pay status option has been set it cannot be changed.

    • 21 To be paid, IRIS Payrite – defaults to this when the expense code is set up to be paid “Through IRIS Payrite”; the expense will be paid automatically in the next pay run. When the expense is saved this will remain if the pay run is closed; if there is an open pay run this will automatically change to “22 In a IRIS Payrite run”, with the date of the pay run displayed.

    • 22 In a IRIS Payrite run – an expense cannot be put into a run manually; IRIS Payrite will automatically add the expense to the pay run depending on whether the pay run is open or closed.

    • 23 Has been paid, IRIS Payrite – IRIS Payrite will automatically update the expense lines with pay status “22 In a IRIS Payrite run” when the pay run is updated, with the date of the pay run displayed. Note: This can be selected manually in some instances but once set it cannot be changed.

    • 24 BIK Taxed through IRIS Payrite – This indicates that the expense will be paid via the BIK component linked to the expense code.

    • 31 To be paid, Expense run - defaults to this when the expense code is set up to be paid as “Expenses payrun”; will automatically change to “32 In a BACS transfer file” when the BACS file is created, with the pay date on the BACS file displayed.

    • 32 In a BACS transfer file - will automatically change to “13 Has been paid, Expense Run” when the “Mark direct as paid” process is run.

    • 33 Has been paid, Expense Run – if the status is automatically changed by IRIS Payrite the pay date on the BACS file will still be displayed; this can be amended. Note: This can be selected manually in some instances but once this pay status option has been set it cannot be changed.

  8. The Cost to you field towards the top of the screen shows the value of the expense based on the units and extras entered on the previous tab.

  9. The next tab – Costing / Benefits in Kind - allows for charging information to be amended. It will also show details of the values in the main and supplementary pay runs as well as year to date values.

  10. If you wish the cost the expense to a different department or cost centre (depending on the cost splitting settings for the payroll) to the one allocated to the employee, you can select a new costing department from the Charge to field - Use the drop-down to select a new department or cost centre.

  11. Click OK to save. If you have added an expense is added that is paid ‘Through IRIS Payrite’ and a pay run is open a warning message will appear:

  12. Click Yes to re-calculate and include the expense in the current run. If No is clicked the expense will not be included in the run until a recalculation is performed.