
The Expenses module allows records of expenses and benefits to be kept for individuals, giving full analysis of these expenses for Company control purposes, nominal ledger, P11Ds and self-assessment reports. It also keeps records of beneficial loans, Company cars, calculates Class 1A NIC liabilities and prints the component car return documents.

IRIS Payrite can produce approved substitute P11D forms, P11D returns by Internet Filing. Additional reports can also be produced e.g. a list of payments due, Company car details, P46(car) substitute forms, beneficial loan details and a letter to each individual informing them of the details reported against them at the end of each tax year.

Each payroll can be tailored to suit its own requirements. The user must first set up expense codes, which allow the entry of expense records/claims. These codes should be the finest level of detail to which the expenses are to be analysed.

IRIS Payrite has the ability to allow expenses to be paid out through the pay run, through a separate expense run, paid manually or simply recorded (e.g. Company contributions to a health scheme which are recorded for P11D purposes but not paid out in any way)

This training guide covers those aspects of the expenses module that do not involve P11D processing, for details of how to process P11Ds and enter P11D benefits, please refer to the P11D training guide.