Components Tab

This tab displays the components that have been created within the payroll and attached to the individual. If an individual does not have the required component on their base data record it can be added whilst in the payrun.

Adding a new component

  1. Click on the Payrun icon.

  2. Go to the Payrun menu and select Amend Payrun followed by Full Data Entry.

  3. Click OK at the payrun reference screen, and go to the Components tab.

  4. Select the employee you wish to add a component to using the navigation bar.

  5. Click the Add Component button.

  6. The pop-up screen allows you to select a component to add.

    The Component Position defaults to the next available position in the list. You can override this with the desired position but you can’t add a new component to a position that is filled.

    Select the component you wish to add from the Component to be Added drop-down list.

  7. Click OK to add the component.

  8. You will see it added to the list of components.

    If the component is a cash amount, you will be able to add the amount to pay directly in the Amount column. This is a temporary value and will be cleared when the year to date figures are updated.

    If the component is based around a rate, the amount will be greyed out and you should instead enter the units for the component in the Units column.

    Once units have been entered, an amount based on the units multiplied by the rate will automatically be displayed.

    If the Rate is greyed out and zero, you must enter this rate in the employee’s base data record. If the rate is zero but not greyed out, you may enter the required rate here.

  9. Click Save.

Amending existing component values

As well as adding new components, you may also amend the values for existing components on this screen. Amendments will be on a one-off basis, and cleared down or reverted to existing values when the Year=to-Date Update is performed.

  1. Click on the Payrun icon.

  2. Go to the Payrun menu and select Amend Payrun followed by Full Data Entry.

  3. Click OK at the payrun reference screen, and go to the Components tab.

  4. Select the employee you wish to amend the data for using the navigation bar.

  5. Locate the component you wish to amend.

    If the component is a cash amount, you will be able to add the amount to pay directly in the Amount column. This is a temporary value and will be cleared when the year to date figures are updated

    If the component is based around a rate, the amount will be greyed out and you should instead enter the units for the component in the Units column

    Once units have been entered, an amount based on the units multiplied by the rate will automatically be displayed.

    If the Rate is greyed out and zero, you must enter this rate in the employee’s base data record. If

    the rate is zero but not greyed out, you may enter the required rate here.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Repeat from step 4 as required.