Requesting data using Employer Verification Connector
Employees can use this service when they submit an application for finance from a service provider that is already working with Experian and Equifax.
Commons questions for employees
Data is shared under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), Experian and Equifax is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Yes. Employees need to provide consent for each financial application submitted. This ensures they have full control over who receives their data.
During the application process, the employee can decline online verification and the information application will be verified manually outside of theExperian and Equifax service.
Under the GDPR right to ‘Restrict’ or right to ‘Delete/Erasure’, an employee can request the employer not to share their data with Experian and Equifax. Where the employee instructs the employer not to send their data to the IRIS Employee Verification service, the data is never captured from payroll and any previous data held in the data store is removed.
The employee provides their data to the financial service provider using other methods.
Download and print the Employee Fact Sheet (PDF).