Employer verification connector - employee control

Fully complies with GDPR

The options in the Employee Verification GDPR menu allow you to restrict the information sent to the EVC platform, delete an employee's payroll data from the platform, and generate a SAR (subject access request) report of the employee's data.

Safe and secure
Data is shared under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Experian is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Find out more

If an employer chooses to opt a company from Work Reportâ„¢, during an application process the employee is required to provide their data to the financial service provider using other methods.


  1. Open the required employee record.

  2. Select the Home / Addr tab.

  3. Select the required option:

    • Don't send data to EVC? - stops the employee data being sent to the EVC platform.

    • Delete data held on EVC? - removes the employee's data from the EVC platform.

Employee Recird EVC fields

Subject Access Request - generates a report of the data held in the EVC platform.

You can also run a report showing all of the information EVC holds on a given employee using the following menu path: [Employee file] Print / Print employee details / GDPR EVC SAR individual employee