Pro rata

Ratio salary for part period

On selection of the calculation type, the subsequent options Ratio the salary for starters and leavers, and Ratio the salary for change date become available.

Careful consideration should be given to the different ways part periods can be calculated before setting up your payroll. Please see example calculations for fully worked examples.

Ratio the salary for starters and leavers

This option enables you to ratio salary for the current pay period for starters and leavers, and the previous pay period for starters.

Ratio the salary for change date

This option enables you to ratio salary where a salary change has occurred during a pay period.

This option also controls the ratio of pay when IRIS Payrite has been set up to use temporary contract payment dates.

Examples of how these works are as follows:

  • Ratio by calendar days, ratio to pay period =calendar days worked in pay period / calendar days in the month * period salary = value

  • Ratio by weekdays, ratio to pay period =weekdays worked in pay period / total weekdays in month * period salary = value

  • Ratio by qualifying days, ratio to pay period =qualifying days worked in pay period / qualifying days in the month * period salary = value

  • Ratio by calendar days, ration to annual pay =calendar days worked in the pay period / calendar days in year (365) * annual salary = value

  • Ratio by weekdays, ratio to annual pay =weekdays worked in the pay period / weekdays in the year (260) * annual salary = value

  • Ratio by qualifying days, ratio to annual pay =qualifying days in pay period / number of qualifying days in the year * annual salary = value