Year to date

Here you can record cumulative figures, which are not held on the individual’s Base Data record (e.g. PAYE, NIC etc.).

Component, deduction and pension Year to Dates are all held on the base data screens.

With the exception of setting up a new payroll - when it's necessary to enter Year to Date values - these screens should not be used to update any Year to Date values; any changes made here will have an effect on the P32 figures.

Normal NI tab

This tab shows the National Insurance Year to Date contributions for the pay runs that have been updated. IRIS Payrite uses the Exact Percentage Method for calculating NI.

The fields are maintained automatically by IRIS Payrite, updated after each pay run and cleared down as part of the Year End routine.

Director's NI tab

This tab is shown if the individual is set as a director on the Tax and N.I. tab in the main employee files screen.

It records the Year to Date values for the period of employment in the current tax year as a Director. The Normal NI tab records earnings prior to their becoming a Director; this tab records earnings after their appointment date.


SSP / SxP tab

This tab shows statutory payment Year to Date figures and company scheme Year to Date figures.

Pay Reconciliation tab

This tab shows the breakdown of Year to Date earnings and tax.

The deductions, components and pensions should be amended on the appropriate screens if necessary. As with the other screens in this section, these figures should not really require adjustment.

The fields are maintained automatically by IRIS Payrite, updated after each pay run and cleared down as part of the Year End routine.

Some of these fields are summations of the figures on the Base Data record and can't be amended. The Last year taxable pay, Last year taxable pay in this employment, and Last year NIable pay in this employment values will not be updated after each pay run, but will be updated as part of the Year End routine.

Salary Sacrifice tab

This tab shows the breakdown of Salary Sacrifice Year to Date for each scheme the employee is a member of.