Remove pay history

The procedure for removing Pay History data should be run annually. The requirement varies between payrolls, depending on the pay frequency and the number of individuals on the payroll.

It is recommended to keep at least three years of Pay History records: IRIS Payrite will force the last tax year’s Pay History records to be kept.

  1. Go to Pay History > Pay History > Remove History Data.

  2. Enter the start of the tax year to be cleared in the Remove entries up to and including tax year starting field. The year will default to last tax year.

    For 2019/20 payrolls, only tax years 2017/18 and earlier will be able to be deleted. If 2020 is entered a warning message will appear.

  3. Enter the dates the entries are to be saved between in Archive from date/ Archive up to date. If the screen’s default dates are left, the entire audit log will be archived

  4. Type clear in the box provided and click complete.

    The records will be removed on the live payroll but will still be available in previous years Pay History via the COPY payrolls that should be made at each tax Year End.

  5. Save as filename - by default, the log will be saved to the IRIS Payrite directory in a file named Audit.