Record statutory bereavement leave

You can record statutory bereavement leave for any employee in the system.

  1. Select the Add Leave to record new leave.

    record leave with Add Leave button highlighted

  2. Select Sick Leave for Type.

  3. Select Statutory pay for Payment.

  4. Enter the dates for the leave.

  5. Enter the Dates of Death.

  6. The Average Weekly Earnings is pre-populated. Select Calculate Automatically to have the system populate for you.

  7. Select Top-up pay to usual amount if you plan to supplement the amount up to the employees full pay.

  8. Select Use Assumed Pensionable Pay Assumed Pensionable Pay is a notional pensionable pay figure that is used to ensure that your pension is not affected if your pensionable pay reduces when you are away from work. It protects you if you are absent because of sickness, injury, or relevant child-related leave etc. Use of assumed pensionable pay would need to be indicated by the relevant pension provider, as it is not always used., if this applies.

  9. Choose Manual Description if you want to give more details about the payment. Otherwise, choose Describe automatically.

  10. If required, select Payment Requires Processing.

    This is only applicable to historic entries.

  11. Add any additional details in Notes.

  12. Add any relevant files in the Documents section.

  13. Select Create to finish.