The update log

Server installation

Installation diagnostic information can be found in the IQServerUpdateLog.txt file.

This in turn can be found in the folder you specified during the server installation. The default location is:-

C:\Program Files\Intex Software\Earnie IQ (Advanced Server)\<Server Name>$<Instance Name>

The contents of this file may look something like:


26/03/2012 09:40:25,"",0,"-----------------------------------"

26/03/2012 09:40:25,"[modGeneral]: Main",0,"Automatic Update Process Started"

26/03/2012 09:40:25,"[frmMain]: Initialise",0,"Initialise OK"

26/03/2012 09:40:25,"[frmMain]: Connect",0,"Connected to Server OK"

26/03/2012 09:40:26,"[frmMain]: CheckUpdates",0,"Checked for updates OK"

26/03/2012 09:41:17,"[frmMain]: ApplyUpdates",0,"Applied updates OK"

26/03/2012 09:41:17,"[frmMain]: Disconnect",0,"Disconnected from Server OK"

26/03/2012 09:41:17,"[frmMain]: RecordUpdate",0,"Update Complete in 00:00:52 with no errors reported"

The last entry in the log is the most important as this indicates the error status of the update. If you get errors you should contact support and attach the text file before proceeding.