Advanced server

Advanced Server is a utility suite that is installed as part of the main Earnie IQ server side installation. One of the core functions of Advanced Server is to apply updates to existing company databases when the main Earnie IQ software is updated. The main tools provided by the suite are described below.

Update IQ server

A utility that automatically updates company databases. When you load an update CD (say for legislation purposes) a number of update scripts will be transferred to the server. These update scripts then have to be applied to each of the existing company databases. The Update IQ Server utility calculates which updates need to be performed and applies the scripts appropriately. The update process normally occurs automatically when the software update is installed but may be started manually.

Update log viewer

A tool for viewing the current database status and update history.

Update wizard

Update package installer. Occasionally, we will issue an “update package” which contains server side updates only. These may be created for simple or one-off updates that do not require any changes to the client software or may be included as part of a software patch which also contains some client changes. The server side updates are applied using the Update Wizard.