Month End reporting

Month End Summary

The Month End Summary gives you a breakdown of how much is to paid to HMRC in Tax and NI each month. It summarises previous payroll runs, both weekly and monthly, and presents them to you in one report.

There are two ways of producing the Month End Summary in the program: either choosing Based on Tax Calendar or Since Last Month-end.

To Print a Month End Summary Based on Tax Calendar

If you choose this option the summary will be for one tax month only. Usually you will use it to summarise the month just gone, so that you can make your submission to HMRC, but you can do it for any month in which a payroll has been run.

We recommend that you select Yes to perform Month End Processing each period. This ensures the current month figures are up to date; calculates any NI compensation/recovery totals, calculates Apprenticeship Levy and changes leavers in the current month to leavers in the previous month.

  1. Go to the Reports menu.

  2. Select Month End Summary.

  3. Select Month or Month Number.

  4. Select Based on Tax Calendar.


  5. Select OK then print.

  6. Choose Yes or No to the prompt to carry out Month End Processing.

To Print a Month End Summary Since Last Month-end

If you choose this option you will get a summary starting at the time you last clicked Yes to perform Month End Processing. The end-date of this report will be the date of the last payroll you ran.

If you plan to use this option for monthly summaries you MUST remember to perform Month End Processing every month.