Moving an Employee

If an employee is moving from one company to another, where the PAYE reference is the same, you can move them without reporting the starter/leaver details via the FPS:

  1. From the Company menu, select Alter Company Options > Starting and Leaving.

  2. Select Display Send Leave Date? on Issue P45 Screen and select OK.

  3. From the Employee menu, select P45 Routines > Issue P45.

  4. Select the required employee and then OK.

  5. Enter the Leaving Date (the date the employee transferred to the other company with the same PAYE reference).

  6. Clear the Send Leave Date? box.

  7. Select OK

  8. Create the employee in the other IRIS payroll software company (with the same PAYE).

  9. On the Employee Details > Tax/NI tab, choose Starter Details. Then, on the New Starter tab, select This is not a new employee and enter their Previous Employee Code.

You must enter the Previous Employee Code before sending the FPS. You can also use this field where you are transferring payroll data from another payroll system.

You should only use these fields when you are transferring an employee to another company with the same PAYE reference, or if you are moving from another payroll system to IRIS Software and are using different employee codes.