Earlier Year Update (EYU)
Use an Earlier Year Update to send an employee’s amended year-to-date figures for a previous tax year. HMRC only accept these changes via an FPS before the 20th April in the current tax year. If the date is on or after 20th April, use the Earlier Year Update facility to submit the new details to HMRC.
You can only send the Earlier Year Update for single employees at a time; you cannot select multiple employees.
Enter the original year-to-date values sent; the payroll software will automatically calculate the difference between previously submitted and the new year-to-date values.
To Submit an Earlier Year Update
There are three options when submitting an EYU. The values in the EYU Value column are sent to HMRC.
From the Year-end menu, select Use Last Year’s Company Data (we recommend you take a backup of your current data first).
Ensure the title bar at the top of the payroll software now displays the previous tax year.
Print the Employee YTDs report. To install it:
From the Reports menu, select Library Selection > Miscellaneous,.
Select Employee YTDs.
Choose Select, then OK and Close.
To print it:
From the Reports menu, select Print Other Reports.
Choose Employee YTDs and then Select.
Choose Selection and select the employee you need to print the report for, then choose Print or Preview.
Ensure you have the employee’s year-to-date values that you have already submitted via FPS before altering any values.
From the Employee menu, select Overrule Figures > Alter To-date Totals.
Make the required changes to the employee’s year-to-date figures, for instance, i.e. Gross Taxable Pay, Tax Paid, Student Loan Recovery, Employee Total NIC via Employee | Overrule Figures | Alter To-date Totals. SelectOK and save the changes.
Earlier Year Update - Option 1
Earlier Year Update - Option 2
Earlier Year Update - Option 3