Columns available in table when selecting different Column Types

The table below shows the columns available when selecting different column types.

Column Type selection Column 2 Title Column 3 Title Maximum Value column
None Select this to clear all the entries in a row
Name Not available Not available Not available
Department Not available Not available Not available
Salary Not available Not available
Hours Rate Factor
Drop-downs in these columns give you the choice of all Rates and Factors set up in the current company.
Payment Payment Mode
The Payment column has a drop-down containing all payments set up in the current company. The Mode column contains two options, Overwrite and Add To.
Deduction Deduction Mode
The Deduction column has a drop-down list containing all deductions set up in the current company. The Mode column contains two options, Overwrite and Add To.
Holiday Type Not Available
The Type column has a drop-down list with 2 options, Units and Advance Wks.
Statutory Type Not Available
The Type column is a drop-down with 4 options, SMP, SAP, SPP and SSP.

Other template columns

  • Column Title - If you want to change the title of the column, enter the new title here.

  • Excel Column Letter - if the template is being linked to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, enter the column letter corresponding to the relevant value here.

  • Maximum Value - use this to set a maximum amount to be imported.