I have both payroll and HR with an existing company and employees

Make sure all data in IRIS HR is up to date.

  1. In payroll, make a backup of your data.

  2. Close down the last pay period you processed.

    To do this:

    • Go to Company > Alter Company Options > Period Close-Down.

    • Set the drop-down to Yes and then select OK.

    • From Payroll > Close Period, select the relevant period and choose OK.

  3. Go to File > Change Payroll Date and set the Payroll Date to the period you have just closed.

  4. From the HR Integration menu, select Get from HR to retrieve the data from HR for the period you have just closed.

  5. After performing Get from HR, the retrieved data displays on the HR Integration/View & Import HR Data screen.

  6. Highlight the Period and select Validate.

  7. Ignore any “Error – Pay/Ded does not exist” messages.

    However, if other validation errors/warnings appear, amend these in HR and repeat step 6.

  8. When you are happy with the data from HR:

    • Go to HR Integration > Get from HR and select Get Data for the period you have just closed.

    • Select the Final Request option.

  9. After this, from the HR Integration menu, select View & Import HR Data and highlight the period you have just closed.

    • Select Import, ignoring any “Error – Pay/Ded does not exist” messages.

    This copies and imports all employee details from HR into payroll without affecting the closed period’s payroll.

  10. Repeat steps 2 to 9 for all pay frequencies in use.

    Remember, if a combination of weekly, 2-weekly and/or 4-weekly periods are in use, the order of closing the periods and importing HR data should start at the lowest numbered week number.

    For example, if you have Weekly, 2-weekly and 4-weekly payrolls, employees have been paid up to, and including week 7, you must close week 4, and import 4-weekly employees, followed by week 6 for 2-weekly and, finally, week 7 for weekly paid employees.

  11. Remove any duplicated holidays or holidays already paid.

  12. Set Pay Date in payroll to the current period to be run.

  13. Send data to HR.

    This sets up the pay elements in HR and assigns them to employees.

  14. Continue to use HR integration in the normal manner.