Establish the 52 weeks to use for average weekly earnings
Holiday Calculation tab
Use these options when establishing which weeks to use when calculating the Average Weekly Earnings (AWE) for each employee.
Select the box for each option you wish to apply to either Weekly or Monthly paid employees, or both:
Exclude zero paid periods |
Exclude Advanced periods |
Exclude periods with Holiday Pay |
Exclude periods with Statutory Payments |
12 monthly pay periods equates to <number> weeks> |
Once you have completed these options, select Configure Earnings at the bottom of the window.
Define the pay elements to include in Average Weekly Earnings
Configure Average Weekly Earnings
Use this screen to specify which elements of pay you want to include in the AWE calculation.
Use the tree view by selecting the plus sign to reveal more pay elements. Select/deselect the boxes as required and choose OK.
In Company > Holiday Setup > Default Allowance, if you select Enable Enhanced Rate Holiday Pay, when printing payslips, the holiday remaining value will be the Total Remaining value from the Employee Details > Salary tab.
IRIS Holiday Module - Advanced Holiday
A pay record is created when Holiday > Advance by... is used in payroll run. This will be flagged as a Holiday Advance period.
If you have the Holiday Pay module and have used the Holiday > Advance by... function, the advanced periods will be recognised as ‘relevant’ when setting up the AWE calculation.
In the Holiday setup, if you do not select, Exclude periods with Holiday Pay, then a ‘relevant’ period will be:
A payment record where pay has been processed.
A payment record where zero pay has been processed if in the Holiday Setup, Exclude zero paid periods is deselected.
The Holiday Advance Period.