Modulr™ Notifications

Notification Settings

  1. From the Modulr™ portal, you can manage email notifications for your accounts. To do this, go to the side menu and select the Notifications option.

  1. Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generatedSet each notification by adjusting the toggle next to each option to either ON or OFF

About Notifications

  • Approval notifications are automatically sent to any user that has Approval permissions. These are sent daily at 9am and are not configurable by users

  • The Payment Summary notification is sent at 9 a.m. every morning when there are active unapproved payments or beneficiaries in the system.

  • Other notifications are sent as events happen on the account.

Notification Recipients

  1. Turn on each individual notification using the ON/OFF toggle and enter the email address for the recipient in the Send notification to field.

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Notification – Scheduled Balance Alert

  1. From the scheduled bank alert section, configure a date and time when you require the balance to display to the recipient.

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Notification Settings

A summary of each notification’s content and when they are sent.

Email name



When sent

Payment Summary

Summary of Pending Payments across all accounts

  • Summaryofnumbersofpendingpaymentsandtheir value

  • Date/timewhenemailissent

  • Numberthatarewaitingforfunds+value

  • Numberthatarefuturedated(fortomorrow)+value

  • Areduetoexpiretomorrow

  • Sent each morning at 9am if accounts have items pending

  • Sent day before future dated payments are due to send

  • Sent day before payments that are due to expire


Summary of Pending Payments across all accounts

  • Customername

  • Dateandtime

  • Numberofpaymentsawaitingapproval+value

  • Numberofbeneficiariesawaitingapproval

  • Whenever there are approvals outstanding   

  • Sent at 9am each day

  • Automatically sent – only sent to users with admin + approver rights

(can’t add other email addresses)

Pay in


  • Customername

  • Accountalias(s)

  • Amountpaidin

  • Reference(s)

On event

When an account receives a pay-in above the user-defined amount

Balance below

Receiveanemailwhenabalancefallsbelowa user-defined amount

  • Customername

  • Accountalias(es)

  • Balance(s)

  • Dateandtime



Balance above

Receiveanemailwhenabalancegoesabovea user-defined amount

  • Customer name

  • Account alias(es)

  • Balance(s)

  • Date and time



Scheduled balance alert

Receiveanemailcontainingaccountbalances onuser-selectedday(s)

  • Customername

  • Accountalias(es)

  • AccountID(s)

  • Balance


Statement notifications

Receiveanemailwhenanewstatementis downloadable

  • Customername

  • Numberofaccountsstatementsareavailablefor

