Faster Payments features

This is a summary of the features available with your access on Modulr™.



View your accounts

See all accounts you have access to and their balances.

View individual accounts

View individual account details and transactions and manage their nickname and statements. You can also search and filter transactions on the account.

Add new accounts

Create any number of new accounts you want, with an individual sort code and account number.

Make payments

Send money to saved beneficiaries you have set up and transfers between your accounts.

Create payment rules

Set up rules on your accounts to automatically split incoming payments to other destinations or sweep accounts at a given time. You can also set up a secondary funding account to make payments from if the sending account has insufficient funds.

Pending payments

View payments that have not yet sent due to being scheduled for a future date, waiting for an approval, or waiting for funds. Failed payments will also be viewable.

Manage beneficiaries

Create new or view and manage all the beneficiaries you have set up.

Approve payments and new beneficiaries

View and approve (pending + approver permission) any payments waiting for an approval before they are sent, or newly created beneficiaries before they are active.

Download reports

Download a spreadsheet of all transaction activity or user actions.

Manage users

Create, delete, and manage other users who have access to your accounts (pending ‘Admin’ permission).

Set up notifications

Set up and control notifications for a variety of activity.