Pension reports

IRIS Software Group nor any of its employees can provide any financial advice. Please contact an IFA approved financial adviser to help choosing a pension provider.

If you use the Company Costs Summary and you would like the automatic enrolment pensions to appear in the Employer Pension Costs figure, add the pension deductions to one of the ‘Ers’ pension report groups.

Available pension reports

Automatic Enrolment Summary for Period
This report shows any employees auto enrolled in the selected period as well as any not auto enrolled in the period and the reason why.

Pension Summary by Employee
This report prints details of the pension contributions for individual employees within a selected pay period. It does not show employees where employee and employer contributions are zero. It groups employees by Pension Fund.

Pension Summary by Fund
This report prints the pension contributions by all or selected Pension Funds. Only employees with pension contributions associated with the selected fund are included. It does not show Employees where employee and employer contributions are zero.

Pension Key Ages
This report prints current employees that will reach a key age for Workplace Pensions in the selected pay period. Currently the key ages are 16, 22, State Pension Age and 75.

It can be printed per Pension Fund or for all Pension Funds.

Pension Status
This report contains the automatic enrolment information for each employee.

It can be printed per Pension Fund or for all Pension Funds.

Pension Fund Employees
This report prints the total number of employees that have an Automatic Enrolment Date, Optout Date, Opt-in Date or Join Date within a specified date range.

It can be printed per Pension Fund or for all Pension Funds.

Automatic Enrolment Assessed Employees
This report will print the number of employees assessed for auto enrolment in each company.

Pension Fund Remittance
This report allows you to select a Pension Fund, a From and To date to print it for and also allowsyou to exclude employees. You may exclude employees that have been auto enrolled but wish to opt out; you are allowed to withhold their contributions from the Pension provider for up to 3 months after Auto Enrolment.

The report includes employees that have an employee or employer pension contribution value which is associated with the selected Pension Fund and the contributions were deducted within the date range selected. It also includes employees that have had any pension payments withheld In previous months and who now need to be included.

To produce a pension report:

  1. Go to the Reports menu.

  2. Select the Print XXXXX (where X is a name of a category of report) menu.

  3. Select the required Pension Report.

There are a number of standard pension reports available or you may have a custom report specific to your pension provider.

A Print Report Dialog box is displayed. Depending on the type of report you choose, one or more of the sections may not be applicable and may be greyed out.

Number of Copies: Choose the number of copies you want of the report.

Detail Level: You can choose to show just Company Totals, or Company and Department Totals or both of those plus individual Employee Totals.

Select Period: You can change the week and month number fields on most reports and you can choose to print a summary for a period in a previous year. Provided, of course, you were using the program at the time.

Send Document To: Here you can publish the report to either My ePay Window or IRIS OpenSpace.

Publish: When selecting to print payslips, you will see a Publish button. Here you can publish payslips to the company or employees using My ePayWindow.

Preview: Select this button if you would like to see exactly what your printed report will look like before you commit it to paper.

Export: Use this if you want to save your report as a file for use by another application.

Format: The drop-down list box allows you to choose from a number of popular file formats.

Print: Select this when you are ready to print the report. A dialog box appears briefly to tell you that the report is being sent to the printer but the process is automatic and does not require you to do anything.