NOW: Pensions File

You should send an output file to NOW: Pensions each period you have paid your employees. This file will contain joiner and contribution information.

Create Output File

  1. Go to the Pension menu and select ‘Create Pension File’.

  2. On the Select File to Create screen, choose ‘Now Pensions V1.2’.

  3. Select ‘OK’.

  4. On the Period for Contribution Schedule screen, enter the ‘From’ and ‘To’ dates for the date range to create the file.

  5. In Who to include, leave the default setting as ‘All’ unless you want to create the output file for a selection of employees.

  6. If your company has employees in different pay frequencies, for example weekly and monthly paid employees, select ‘Pay Frequency’ to choose the payment frequency of employees you want to include in the output file.

  7. Select ‘Next’.

    Your payroll has the ability to withhold contributions until the end of the opt-out window, as per the Pensions Regulator’s advice. You must check with NOW: Pensions if you are permitted this option.

  8. Select the ‘Exclude’ box to exclude the worker from the contributions file. This will withhold the worker’s contributions until the date entered in the Exclude until column.

  9. Select 'Next'.

  10. On the Now Pensions V1.2 – Contributions Schedule for…screen, select ‘Print’ to print a report of the employees that are included in the file.

  11. Select ‘Create File’ to create the Now Pensions V1.2 file.

  12. A message will advise the location where the Now Pension V1.2 file has been created.