Upload the Enrolling Workers file to NEST

You shouldn’t open the file in Excel prior to uploading it to NEST because Excel changes dates in to formats that will fail NEST’s validation.

  1. Log into your NEST account on NEST’s website.

  2. On the ‘Welcome to your NEST home’ page, select ‘Enrol workers and view or edit their details. You can also view any inactive workers’. This is where you enrol workers and perform other tasks, such as changing a member’s group.

  3. In Your Workers, go to Upload a file to enrol workers and select ‘Upload a file’.

  4. Browse to the location where payroll created the NEST Enrolling Workers output file, select it, then choose ‘Upload file’. NEST check the file to ensure the format and Employer Reference number are correct.

  5. Once the file checking has been completed successfully, select ‘Process this file’ to upload the file to NEST.

Find out more about uploading a NEST Enrolling Workers file.