NEST Configuration

NEST require you to supply your Employer Reference Number in each output file. Also as part of the configuration for NEST, you need to set up at least one Group and at least one Payment Source. Find out more about configuring Groups and Payment Sources.

Company Configuration

If you have only one Group and one Payment Source configured, when employees are automatically enrolled during Payroll, these will be populated in Employee Details.

  1. Go to the Pension menu and choose ‘Configure Auto Enrolment’.

  2. Select the ‘NEST’ tab.

  3. Enter the Employer Reference Number supplied by NEST.

  4. Create the ‘Group’ and ‘Payment Source’ exactly as you configured them on NEST’s website. These fields are case sensitive, e.g. Group must be entered as ‘Group’ and not ‘GROUP’.

  5. Select ‘OK’.

    Configure Auto Enrolment - NEST tab screen

Employee Details Configuration

If you have more than one Group and Payment Source configured, then you will need to select the appropriate one for the employee in Employee Details once the payroll has assessed and automatically enrolled the employee.

  1. Go to the Employee menu and choose ‘Select Employee’.

  2. Choose the employee and select ‘OK’.

  3. Select the ‘Pensions’ tab.

  4. Choose the appropriate Group and Payment Source from the drop-down fields.

  5. Select ‘OK'.

    Employee's pension information

If you have any employees that are an oversea national waiting for an NI Number, in Employee Details you must select the Overseas National Awaiting NI Number box before creating a NEST Enrolling Workers file that contains that employee.