No valid source file could be found

Error 1706

This error will occur when the install/uninstall information cannot be located on the system.

To resolve this issue you will need the Microsoft troubleshooter utility.

  1. Download and run the Microsoft troubleshooter utility.

    The file extension of this download file may cause some browsers to give you an error about it's safety. In most cases, the file is safe. If you are unsure, please contact your IT or administrator for advice.

  2. Work through the wizard.

  3. Select “Uninstalling” when prompted.

  4. From the list of programs select your payroll product then work through and complete the rest of the wizard.

  5. Once finished, download the latest version of your software and reinstall.

While this process will remove payroll program files from your system, your actual payroll data will not be affected and will be available once you have re-installed.