Clear additional payroll history

IRIS Earnie

This action can not be reversed. Make sure you have a backup.

Not all versions keep historic pay data.

HMRC requires you to keep payroll records for four years plus the current tax year, but can request information for up to sis years. The Pensions Regulator requires you to keep records for six years.

Clearing additional history can help if you are low on disk space, have a large number of employees which can the system to slow.

Read more about performance issues.

  1. Open the company you wish to clear the history.

  2. Go to CompanyClear Historical Data.

  3. Select the year you wish to clear data up to and including for:

    • Pay History Records

    • Diary Entries

    • Costing Records

      Clear Historical Data

  4. Select OK.

This action can not be reversed. Make sure you have a backup.