January 2024: Product updates
28 February 2025
We're pleased to announce the latest update to IRIS Recruitment.
These release notes contain a detailed breakdown of any new features or enhancements that have been developed, as well as any bug fixes that we have implemented. Our development teams release to production every 2 weeks on average, so our monthly updates contain multiple development releases.
Bugs may have been reported via the Support Desk, fed back to us internally, or found during our testing processes. Due to the bespoke nature of our software, there may be certain bugs reported that you haven't experienced in your system.
Jump to: New features | Bug fixes
New features
Happy New Year from everyone here at IRIS Recruitment!
We are kick starting 2024 by continuing to concentrate on giving you the best experience using our system.
Our engineers have spent the quiet holiday period resolving the reported bugs in our backlog. We understand it can be frustrating waiting for a bug to be fixed, and we hope that this work will help to reduce waiting times in the future.
As highlighted in our December update, we are prioritising improvements to our system performance and optimisation of critical areas, in order to deliver a fully responsive experience.
Throughout January, our engineers have been focusing on:
Analysing our infrastructure and server usage.
Implementing data analysis tools, to track bottlenecks and resource heavy areas .
Identifying key optimisation areas across the system.
This work is well underway and will continue into February. More updates on this to follow!
Bug fixes
The following bugs have been resolved in the last month and are listed by release date. The reports are split into two sections: system bugs and bugs in the new design.
17th January 2024 – System bugs | 17th January 2024 – New design
31st January 2024 – System bugs | 31st January 2024 – New design
Due to the bespoke nature of IRIS Recruitment there may be bugs reported that you haven't experienced. If you have any questions regarding any of the bug fixes listed, please contact Support on 01943 661104.
17th January 2024 – System bugs
Issue | Description |
Copied authorisation configuration has different chain option. | Not all the authorisation configuration chain data is copied when copying an authorisation configuration. |
Insights: Expired vacancies loading single vacancy instead of list of vacancies | Vacancies insight component loading single vacancy record instead of the full list of expired vacancies. |
Notifications not generating when a candidate applies | Notifications aren’t being generated when a candidate applies to a vacancy. |
Synchronise with Main Layout deselected when moving grids in advert layout. | Synchronise with Main Layout is being deselected when changing the order of sections in an advert layout template. |
Unable to view PDF CV, if file type in capital letters | CV not displaying when PDF file type is in capital letters. |
Link to download document incorrectly showing on advert | Document showing incorrectly on a advert as it been excluded from the publish settings. |
Unable to Create Vacancy when editing Vacancy Authorisation | Unable to Create Vacancy when editing a Vacancy Authorisation in the Authorised Awaiting Creation stage |
Unable to download reports from the sharing URL | Unable to download primary reports results from shared URL link- download button showing blank dropdown. |
Full application contact details not automatically saved as completed | For full applications, candidate contact details from previous applications are not showing on Contact Details. |
Duplicate advert templates showing when adding advert | Advert template appearing multiple times when adding advert to Vacancy or Vacancy Template. |
Mobiles: Candidates unable to reset passwords when using mobile device | Candidates unable to reset password on mobile device due to missing Email address field |
Special characters showing as HTML code when selecting user for authorisation chain | Special characters showing as HTML code when adding a user from a team to an authorisation chain. |
Error when previewing advert | Error message being displayed when trying to preview an advert |
Application alerts not displaying for some candidates | Application alert not showing for candidates who’ve applied using a client and Networx account. |
Interview email agency text box not showing | Agency interview email text isn’t appearing when booking interview. |
Unable to select user to be authoriser for in vacancy authorisation | Unable to select a user to be the authorisation for if they’re included in a team in the authorisation chain. |
NHS Jobs settings fixed pay value doesn’t display on smaller screens | When publishing a vacancy to NHS Jobs the fixed pay value doesn’t display if using a smaller screen. |
Incorrect client alert set on equal ops question when creating a client | Incorrect client alert being added to equal ops question for newly created clients |
Remove scroll from application form pop up | Scroll bar appearing unnecessarily on application form pop up |
17th January 2024 – New design
Issue | Description |
User picker background transparent when creating vacancy | Background of list of users goes transparent when creating a Vacancy. |
Unable to add candidate to folder | Unable to add candidates to a folder via Candidate Search. |
Unable to log contact when booking interview | Unable to log contact when booking interview as screen shows as blank. |
Candidate details don’t display when selected | Application details not displaying when you first select a candidate in a Vacancy. |
Applicant scoring counts don’t update when scoring candidate | Applicant scoring counts don’t update when scoring a candidate in a Vacancy. Screen should refresh and update values. |
Unable to add Candidate Folders | Unable to add Candidate Folders as a Description field validation is being run in error. |
Update text which displays on Vacancy creation | Change of text on the Vacancy creation process to provide further clarification. |
31st January 2024 – System bugs
Issues | Description |
CV not displaying in candidate profile | CV not displaying in candidate profile even though CV does exist. |
Are you still employed here not aligned on application form | Radio buttons for Are you still employed here? not aligned with other options. |
Unable to enable Vacancy Privacy Statement | Cannot enable Vacancy Privacy Statement for a client, Enabled toggle isn’t enabling the statement. |
Primary Reports: Unable to remove Vacancy field filters | Unable to remove Vacancy fields from a Primary Report if the report has a filter set. |
Interview emails sending from individual email address | Interviews sent to candidates for interview sending from individuals email instead of company email. |
Unable to edit internal flag on candidate accounts. | Client user unable to edit internal flag on their candidates' account. |
New Advert Template: Vacancy title doesn’t display when viewing advert | Vacancy title merge field not working on New Advert Template when editing the advert. |
Tazio interview folders show 0 after inviting candidate | Tazio interview folders don’t display correctly when inviting a candidate to video interview. |
Auto-email task not sending to all user roles | Auto emails not sending to all selected user roles in the task setting. |
Unable to search for candidate based on mobile number | Unable to find a candidate by searching on their mobile number |
Shortlisted for interview no longer showing on dashboard | Shortlisted for interview not displaying for client user on Interviews widget on dashboard. |
Canceled interview details displaying for candidate | Details of a Canceled interview are still displaying when viewing a candidate. |
System freezes when adding document to interview | When adding a document from the Document Library to an interview setting, this just displays a loading wheel which doesn’t disappear. You need to refresh the screen and edit the interview again. |
Error viewing privacy policy statement when manually adding candidate to vacancy | Unable to view privacy policy from manually adding a candidate as it’s returning an error. |
Authoriser options briefly showing adding user to authorisation chain in authorisation configuration | Authoriser options showing when you’ve added a user to a chain in a configuration. |
31st January 2024 – New design
Issue | Description |
Interviewers and Venues don’t display when booking interview | Interviewers and Venues not being listed when booking interview from interview feedback on Dashboard. |
Error when saving vacancy match details when using salary field with decimal | Error occurring when saving vacancy match salary details which include a decimal point. |
Unable to assign Insights to multiple user groups | Unable to assign Insights to multiple user groups as it’s only assigning to a single group. |
Incorrect times showing on Upcoming Interviews Insight component | Incorrect times showing on Upcoming Interviews component on a user’s dashboard. |
Duplicate entry added to ATSiRequest table when publishing | Duplicate entry added to ATSiRequest table when publishing through new design. |
Vacancy sections disappear when creating Vacancy Template and selecting advert | Vacancy sections removed when selecting advert template when creating Vacancy Template. |