February 2024: Product updates

05 March 2024

We're pleased to announce the latest update to IRIS Networx.

These release notes contain a detailed breakdown of any new features or enhancements that have been developed, as well as any bug fixes that we have implemented. Our development teams release to production every 2 weeks on average, so our monthly updates contain multiple development releases.

Bugs may have been reported via the Support Desk, fed back to us internally, or found during our testing processes. Due to the bespoke nature of our software, there may be certain bugs reported that you haven't experienced in your system.

Jump to: New features | Bug fixes

New features

We are thrilled to announce the latest update to our software, marking a significant milestone in our ongoing optimisation project. Our dedicated team has been working to enhance the overall system performance, with a keen focus on improving loading times.

Key updates:

  • Dashboard Loading Times: Users will now experience a faster loading time for the default Dashboard in the new design. We've optimised our backend processes and data handling, ensuring that the information you need is available quicker than ever before. 

  • Enhanced System Performance: Beyond the Dashboard, this update brings overall improvements to system performance. As well as improving our backend processes, we've also significantly optimised reporting areas to reduce blocking wait times, and enhanced our data handling capabilities to ensure a smoother, more efficient experience across the board. 

Whether you're navigating through various screens or processing large data sets, you can expect a noticeable improvement in speed and responsiveness.

Our optimisation project will be continuing throughout March, and we're excited to give you further updates in the March product update.

Bug fixes

The following bugs have been resolved in the last month and are listed by release date. The reports are split into two sections: system bugs and bugs in the new design.

7th February 2024 – System bugs | 7th February 2024 – New design

28th February 2024 – System bugs | 28th February 2024 – New design

Due to the bespoke nature of IRIS Networx there may be bugs reported that you haven't experienced. If you have any questions regarding any of the bug fixes listed, please contact Support on 01943 661104.

7th February 2024 – System bugs

Issue Description
Unable to copy scores in Applicant Scoring Panel leader unable to copy scores in Applicant Scoring, as it just shows a loading wheel.
Misaligned radio buttons Radio buttons and questions are misaligned on the offer authorisation form.
Requires CV displaying incorrectly Requires CV displays incorrectly when editing a vacancy.
Plus (+) symbol missing from email address When viewing the application and checking the email in You must verify your account, the plus (+) symbol isn’t included in the email address.
Wrong questions on application forms Wrong questions are included on application forms sent to the interviewer.
You haven’t uploaded a profile CV message You haven’t uploaded a profile CV still displays on candidates accounts even though the configuration is set to hide it.
Logout message not displaying for Cascade client users Username and Password fields showing instead of message stating to use IRIS Cascade to login
Expiry displaying incorrectly on client’s microsite

For vacancies due to expire at the end of the day, Expired in is showing that the vacancy has already expired.

Changes to child structure Branding Unable to save changes to Branding on a child structure level.
Error displaying redacted CV Full CV displayed to the Panel Member when viewing a completed candidate, rather than the redacted CV.
Share This Vacancy on internal adverts The Share This Vacancy option displays even though the configuration has been deactivated


7th February 2024 – New design

Issue Description
Merge fields on advert preview In the advert preview, the merge fields don’t display the values entered in Vacancy Details.
Set Default Email text box The field displayed when you select Set Default Email is too small and needs to be made larger so that details can be seen clearly.

28th February 2024 – System bugs

Issues Description
Bespoke client fields Bespoke client fields not displaying for Vacancies on Dashboard.
Saving Vacancy Details for vacancies in Authorised Awaiting Creation Vacancy Details are unable to be saved for vacancies in Authorised Awaiting Creation.
Order of locations in Vacancy Match Locations should be displayed in the correct order under the correct drop-down menus.
Docusign task on candidates onboarding DocuSign document signing task not displaying on candidates onboarding task after countersigner has signed the document.
Lookup merge fields not pulling data Merge fields are showing on the email template, rather than the correct data.
View Archive in Lookup Type Maintenance There are two View Archive buttons in Lookup Type Maintenance, when there should only be one
Marking reference as Not Required completes task When a single reference is marked as Not Required in Offer Details, the reference Task is incorrectly marked as Complete.


28th February 2024 – New design

Issue Description
Live Date not applying The Live Date settings in the Publishing area of a Vacancy Template are not being applied.
System freezes when adding logged failed contact note System freezes after adding a failed contact note on a Telephone Interview. The note is still being saved onto the candidate interview, so no data is being lost.