Search for a vacancy

Looking for a specific vacancy? Maybe you need to edit or delete? It's easy to search for the vacancy you want to work with.

  1. Go to Vacancies > Vacancy Search.

  2. In the Enter your keywords box, enter all or part of the vacancy title, reference, or location and select Search Vacancies. The Search Results panel shows results that match the criteria you entered.

  3. Under Search Filters, choose further criteria. You can filter by pending, live, expires, closed, and agency vacancies.

  4. Select Toggle More Filters to filter by structure, publication date, expiry date, roles, and users.

  5. To change the information you see in the search results, select Configure.

    • To add columns to the search results, drag columns from the Available Columns panel to the Assigned Columns panel.

    • To remove columns from view, drag columns from the Assigned Columns panel to the Available Columns panel.