Publish a vacancy

After your vacancy has been created, it must be published to your jobs page. This may be done directly because you have a Latest Vacancies Page or via an XML feed (depending on your setup and how your website is managed).

If you have multiple application processes you will be given different options in the Publishing Wizard.

This guide will look at the standard quick application process (short application form + CV).

  1. After creating your vacancy, select Publish now.

    If you saved the vacancy to publish later, the vacancy will be labeled as a Pending vacancy. To publish, selecting the vacancy and select Publish in the Setup tab.

  2. Complete the following:

    • When To Publish:

      If you have more than publish type you can select the same settings for all or individually.

      Set your times and dates:

      Live: When it appears on your web page.

      Expiry: When it is removed from your web page and new applications cannot be started.

      Cut off: When you stop receiving applications that have been started but not completed & submitted - not everyone uses this, so it may not be displayed

      Select Can Apply to ensure the apply button is visible to candidates.

    • What To Publish:

      Select which adverts you want to publish.

      The options available are dependent on what modules you have within your system.

      For social media adverts, select which image you want to use.

    • Documents:

      Select the documents you want to include from the documents selected during vacancy creation.

      This option will only be available if you added documents to the vacancy before starting the publishing process.

    • Settings:

      Recruitment Sources appear to a candidate when asking where they heard about the vacancy as part of the application process.

      The list can be edited. The list of all sources can be found in Settings > Recruitment Sources and you can pre-determine the list on a per-vacancy template level.

      You can also assign costs to recruitment sources at this stage, and in the vacancy template, to allow you to create cost reports.

      • To remove a source (if not relevant), select Remove.

      • To assign a cost select Change, amend the cost and select OK.

      • To add a source from the list select Edit, select the sources you want, then OK.

      • Selecting Default will restore the list back to how it was set originally.

  3. Check the summary and preview the job listings if needed.

  4. Select Publish Now.