Configure Multiposter posting methods

If you are an admin for your system (such as a Super User), you will be able to access the Multiposter Settings via Settings > Vacancy Settings > Multiposter Settings.

The first step is to Add New Posting Method. This allows the user to select from the available Products. “Product” is the catch-all definition we are using for different credit types / options available via our supported Job Sites (for example, a Standard or Featured Credit).

Products will initially cover the following Job Sites;

  • Adzuna
  • CV library
  • JobRapido
  • LinkedIn (coming soon)
  • Monster / Career Builder
  • Reed

After selecting a Product, the user will be asked to configure the Posting Method — setting details such as the Recruitment Source (for reporting), the Apply Type (that is, if the Job Site supports, for example, Easy Apply), and Available Credits

This credit count does not link to your Job Board account, instead it is designed to be a manually set limit to help track usage, and avoid failed postings.

This action will create an entry in the Posting Methods and the Job Site Mappings table.

There will only be one entry per Job Site in the mappings table.

Initially, for the first Posting Method added for a Job Site, there will be an error of Error with Job Site Field Mappings.

In the Job Site Mapping table, the fields are using Core Fields within your recruitment system:

  • Advertised Vacancy Title
  • Advertised Vacancy Location
  • Full Time / Part Time
  • Perm / Temp
  • Advertised Salary

The module does not support the use of client vacancy fields for mapping.

In the Job Site Mapping table, click Edit on any fields where missing mappings are flagged.

The Item column shows the values from the respective core field in the system (for example, Discipline).

The Mapped Value column shows the values returned from the Job Site needed to complete the posting to the site. For example, Location.

Work through the incomplete mappings, using the Show Unmapped Fields Only toggle to focus on the missing fields.

Once you have finished mapping the fields you want (even if every value is not yet mapped), press Save to return to the Multiposter Settings page.

The final step to complete the setup of a Posting Method, is to ensure that the Credentials for the account are provided.

Click Edit in the Credentials column, set the required values.

These can vary per Job site, and need to be retrieved from your account / provider.

Now, back on the Multiposter Settings page, once a Posting Method and Job Site Mapping is fully configured, there will be a green tick in the Status column, and the status of the Posting Method will be Ready to Post.

For certain Job Sites (for example, aggregators), less information is required to post. The user will therefore be required to configure less information at the Posting Method and Job Site Mappings level (for example, see dashes in the mapping table below).

Posting Methods can be archived via the Archive button (that is, when an admin wants to stop their users using a method).

Archived Posting Methods can be viewed via the Show Archived toggle.