Primary Reports

You can create and schedule reports quickly and easily. Before you start, create a group for the types of reports you want to create.

  1. Go to Insights > Primary Reports.

  2. Select Add Reports Group. Enter the group name and set the permissions for each user type. Select Save.

  3. Locate the report group you want to add a report to and select Create Report.

  4. On the Select Report list, choose a report. Select Next. The Report Details tab is displayed.

  5. If required, update the Name and Description. Select Next. The Criteria tab is displayed.

  6. You can filter by:

  • Relative or fixed date range. Select Edit to select a relative date range.

  • Structure level. Select Edit/Select Structures and expand and select the ones you want.

  1. Select the Vacancy Fields and the Vacancy Field Options. Select Add to add more.

  2. Select Next. The Output tab is displayed.

  3. On the Output Format list, select how you want your report to be presented.

We recommend using visual charts for small data set.

  1. Select Next. The Schedule tab is displayed.

  2. Select On Demand to run the report now. Or, select Schedule to choose a specific date, time and recurrence.

If you selected the Output as an Email, select Send Email on Success and enter the email address of the recipient you want to send the report to.

  1. Select Save. Your report is created.