Your dashboard

Your dashboard is the first thing you see when you log in. It displays content based on your user access level and role and is split into a number of key areas. You can add and remove widgets depending on what you want to see. Select Refresh > Widget to update the data. Select the links in each widget to view more information.

Vacancies widget

This widget shows how many vacancies you have for each status and how many vacancies are in the system in total. You can filter by All Vacancies or My Vacancies to view those created by, or assigned, to you.

  • Pending - not yet completed or published

  • Live - are on the website and available for applicants to apply for

  • Expired - no longer on your website and cannot receive any new applications

  • Closed requiring action - the vacancy is closed (filled or redacted) but further action is needed

  • Expires in - shows the vacancies that are due to expire in the next few days

You can configure the information that is shown on the Vacancies dashboard widget - select any option above, then select Configure.

Candidates widget

Here you can see the number of candidates you have for each status.

  • Quick Applications - shows the amount of candidates that have used the 'quick apply' function

  • New Responses - shows the number of new responses to vacancies

  • Offers in Progress - indicates how many offers have been made to a candidate, or have been accepted through the offer workflow

  • References required - tells you how many candidates are still waiting to submit a reference

  • References to check - indicates how many references you need to verify

  • Awaiting my scores - shows the number of candidates that need scoring against the shortlisting criteria

  • Awaiting scores from the panel - If you're the Lead Panel Member, this shows you who else on the panel is still to score

  • Overdue - Shows candidates who haven't been reviewed within the specified time frame

Interviews widget

This widget is useful to see at-a-glance how many interviews are scheduled and the status.

  • Future Interviews – interviews that are booked and yet to happen (after today).

  • Interviews Requiring Feedback – the interview date/time has passed and the interviewee requires feedback within the system & progressing through the workflow.

  • Invites (Self-Selection) – invites have gone out to candidates for them to select their own time slot (outstanding). Once booked, they become Future Interviews/Interviews Booked.

  • Shortlisted – 1 or a number of candidates have been shortlisted for interview & the dates are yet to be booked.

  • Today – Interviews happening today.

  • Vacancies (Self-Selection) – The number of vacancies where self-selection has been set on 1 or several interview stages within them.

My Tasks widget

This tells you how many tasks have been specifically assigned to you (or you may have made one for yourself). From here, you can view and complete tasks or assign them to others. Typical tasks include arranging interviews, providing interview feedback, offer process tasks, and contacting declined candidates.

Subject Access Requests widget

This widget shows how many SARs have been requested and the current status. Find out more about Subject Access Requests.