View the Kudos screen

  1. Sign in to IRIS HR Professional.

  2. From your homepage, select Kudos.

  3. Complete the Date From and Date To fields to view kudos received in a specific period or leave the dates blank to see everything.

  4. Select Show only my Kudos, Show all Kudos or Show my Team's Kudos to filter the kudos shown.

  5. Each Kudos award appears as a tile (as with the Home screen or Dashboard) with the most recent kudos displayed on the top left.

    Each tile contains:

    • Date Given

    • Category

    • Badge

    • Comment

    • Name of the sender

    • Name of the receiver

    • A Thumbs up icon

    • A button to add/view additional comments

  6. Select Comment to view the number of unread additional comments.

  7. If required, select Add Comment to leave a comment.

If a user makes the kudos award visible to all users, anyone can select the Thumbs up icon. The system records the number of clicks and displays the running total.

Find out how to Give Kudos .