Integrate IRIS HR Professional with Circular Benefits

The Circular Benefits portal allows employees to access health and well-being discounts from popular brands.

To set up the Circular Benefits integration, you must:

Step 1: Create an API user

  1. In the API User topic, complete these sections and return to this topic once complete:

Step 2: Finalise set up in Circular Benefits

After creating the API user in IRIS HR Professional:

  1. Send an email to Warren Lunt: to discuss:

    1. API credentials setup.

    2. Remaining integration steps with Circular Benefits.

    After completing all necessary actions on the Circular Benefits side, enable the menu item in IRIS HR Professional.

Step 3: Enable Circular Benefits functionality

  1. Sign in to IRIS HR Professional.

  2. Go to System Tools > Utilities > Tools > System Configuration.

  3. In the Modules section, select the Circular Benefits checkbox.

    The Circullar Benefits option.

  4. Select Save to activate Circular Benefits.

    • The next time employees sign in to IRIS HR Professional, a Benefits option will display in the left navigation menu of their homepage.

      The Benefits menu item.

  1. Selecting Benefits opens the Circular Benefits portal.

    • You have completed all steps to set up the integration between IRIS HR Professional and Circular Benefits.