View or update your personal details

It is easy to update your personal details. You might do this to change your address if you move house, update your emergency contact, or change your banking information.

  1. On your Home page, select My Details.

    Depending on your access, you may not be able to edit fields with a grey background, but you can edit some or all of the information on the Personal tab and your bank details on the Payroll tab.

  2. Select Personal and update any of the following:

    • Personal information

    • Gender

    • Marital Status

    • Emergency Contact

    • Ethnic Origin/Nationality

    • Work Contact Details

    • Personal Contact Details

    • Disability

    • Re-Route Requests

  3. Update the information as required and select Save.

Community Background

The Fair Employment and Treatment (NI) Order of 1998 requires all registered employers to keep a record of their employees' community background. This means whether an employee is from either a Protestant or Roman Catholic community in Northern Ireland or neither.

You can update your Community Background by choosing an option from the list.

Update your Key Contacts

To add and edit your Contacts, select Actions and then select Key Contacts.

Reset your username or password

To reset your username or password, select the Personal tab, select Actions, then select Update Username or Update Password. You then receive an email with a link to reset.

If you want to update both your username and password, wait for the email and then update, before going back into the system and selecting the second option. This is to avoid the reset links cancelling each other out.