View Read & Accept documents as an employee

Read & Accept documents sent to you for review display on your Home page and in My Details > Documents. You also receive an email when a new document is available.

  1. Sign in to IRIS HR Professional.

  2. On your Home page, under Notifications, select View next to the Read & Accept option.

  3. A screen displays showing the documents you must review.

From this screen:

  • Select the title of a document to view more information about it.

  • Select the paperclip icon in the Read column to download and read the document.

  • Select the flag in the Accept column to confirm you have read and understood the document. Remember to select OK on the confirmation message displayed.

Your organisation may require you to sign the document to confirm you have understood it using the Signature or E-Signature options.

  • Signature - Select the flag, enter your name in the Signature field and choose Sign.

  • E-Signature - Select the flag, use your mouse or finger/stylus to sign your name and select Sign.

  1. Select the email icon in the Query column to raise any queries about a document before accepting it.

The system adds time stamps when you download and accept documents, and if you raise any queries.