Converting applicants

  1. Click the Launch icon, then select Recruitment+.
  2. Select Convert Applicants.

  3. Select each applicant you want to convert from the list and select Convert.

  4. If the tick-box beside an applicant is disabled, this means that mandatory information for that applicant is missing. Applicants that you want to convert must have data in the fields listed in the table below. To enable the tick-box, select Update from the Action column and add the information.

These fields are not transferred to HR as part of the standard ‘fixed’ fields and cannot be mapped to any new fields you may add to Recruitment+.


Description/How to complete


Used to create relationships with IRIS Cascade HR.

For internal applicants, this will be the setting in the Hierarchy field of their new Job & Salary record


Mandatory field on the Main screen

Start Date

If this date has not been added in Recruitment+, set the applicant’s Start Date with your organisation.

This date is also copied as their Continuous Service Date.

For internal applicants, this will be the Effective Date field of their new Job & Salary record