Release notes — 5 March 2025
We have also released some enhancements in MyCascade. For more information head to our dedicated MyCascade help centre.
Entitlement breakdown - Converted label into Sentence case: A change has been made to the wording Buy/Sell Holidays found on the employee's entitlement summary.
It has been made sentence case but only if it hasn't been edited by a customer.
This has been done to bring this piece of text in line with our policy to make Cascade text, sentence case.
Keep sidebar search open across page refreshes: As a result of recent feedback, we have made a change to how the search box works.
It will now stay open across screens, once a user has clicked on it, until the user clicks to close it.
Chart should not show half days on axis: A small tweak has been made to the vertical axis on the charts Holiday and leave this week (team and All) to remove the .5 indicator.
This is because it’s not possible to have half a person on leave.
Pie chart sections are too small IRIS Cascade dashboard: When using certain charts (Pie, Headcount Status) on the dashboard, if there's a small number the graphic may not be displayed correctly.
To help display this data better we will be grouping the data together in a new 'Other' section.
So, if any section is 5% or below, they will all be grouped in this new section.When viewing the table of data this Other section won't appear as it will be split into it's individual sections.
This has been done to help display small sections of data in a better way, graphically.
Employee screens caching of data causing users problems: In a past release we, added the ability to only go back one screen when clicking Cancel on an absence durations screen. This meant you could see the data you'd just entered instead of going back to the screen's list view.
This change meant the data had been 'cached' and was still visible to a user.
Recently we've had reports that this functionality, the data caching, is causing issues elsewhere in Cascade and as such we are removing this change.
This means that when clicking Cancel now you'll be returned to the list page of the screen instead of going back only one page.
User decision appears in left hand menu: The workflow task, User Decision, has been moved back to the centre of the screen. It was positioned within the left-hand menu.
Profiles Excel Export not working: In Admin, on the Profiles screen we have fixed an issue with the Excel Export button. It will now show the correct file upon clicking.
Course name not appearing on request: We have fixed an issue with the Training Enquiry screen where the course name wasn't appearing when a request was being completed.
Error using group allocate holiday/absence: We have fixed an error that was happening when adding an absence for a group of employees using the group action feature, Allocate holidays/absence.
Payroll Legislation
Updated in Payroll > Settings > Legislation to reflect 6th April legislation changes
Auto Enrolment Pension
Statutory Leave Legislation
Auto Enrolment Qualifying Earnings Thresholds updated in admin to reflect 6th April legislation changes.
National Insurance Changes
National Insurance calculation method for 2025/26 changed in line with legislation. The main change with the National Insurance calculation is the Secondary Threshold has been reduced significantly from 2024/25.
Manual Overrides
Updated manual overrides to show new National Insurance earnings bands for 2025/2026.
User interface
Payroll role item order - The order of items when editing a role are now in the same order of the left-hand menu.
Integration – Auto Enrolment – Opt-Out Due reverted back to be grouped with other Auto. Enrolment function
HMRC Messages – Order reverted to original order pre-left-hand menu changes.
Find out more about the user interface restyle.