Open-ended absences

The Open-Ended Absence functionality is now available in our API, providing enhanced flexibility in absence management. To use this feature, it is essential to meet the following criteria:

Defining an Open-Ended Absence

  1. Setting EndDate to Null: To indicate an open-ended absence, set the EndDate parameter to NULL.

    Open-Ended Absences behave differently in IRIS Cascade and the IRIS HR API.

    • In IRIS Cascade, the end-date populates automatically, based on the following conditions:

      • If the start-date is in the future, the end-date mirrors the start-date.

      • If the start-date is in the past, the end-date automatically sets to today's date.

    • In the IRIS HR API, the end date remains as NULL. Any record where the end date is NULL is considered an open-ended absence.

An Open-Ended Absence cannot extend beyond 366 days. If the start-date provided is more than 366 days in the past, the API will reject the record.

  1. Absence Reason: The Absence Reason linked to the absence must have 'AllowOpenEnded' enabled to create an open-ended absence successfully.

The Allow Open Ended flag on the /AbsenceReason endpoint calculates based on the following conditions:

           if (Maternity)  
               return false;  
           if (Exam or Study)  
               return false;  
           if (Holiday)  
               return false;  
           if (Absent or Sick)  
               return true;  

Once IRIS Cascade receives the record, it manages the Open-Ended absence and syncs updates back into the API daily.

Updating Existing Open-Ended Absences

You cannot update existing Open-Ended Absences.

To close an open-ended absence:

  1. Submit a PUT request to the /Absence endpoint.

  2. Provide the final end date.

This removes the open-ended flag in IRIS Cascade, stops automated management of the record, and updates the absence with the specified end date.

Important notes

  • If the open-ended absence is more than 366 days old, you cannot update it via the API, you must manually adjust it in IRIS Cascade.

  • We are actively working on a solution to allow updates to other fields for open-ended absence records.