Requesting access to the HR API

There are 3 environments we can grant access to:

  1. Production System

  2. Practice System

  3. Partner Sandbox

If you don't have a Practice system, contact your account manager to request one.

Production & Practice

In order to grant access to your Production or Practice system, you need to send a request to with the following:

  • A named person to receive the key and secret.

  • Their Email address.

  • Their Mobile number.

  • Approval from whoever owns your HR data, that we can supply credentials to the named individual. Bearing in mind that granting access provides the named individual access to PII data.

  • Confirm if you need access to Production, Practice or both.

Partner Sandbox

If you are dealing with a 3rd party and would like them to have access to the HR API but without the risk of exposing your companies sensitive data, an alternative is to give them access to one of our Partner Sandbox systems. This comes with some basic data and UI access. The process to request access to the Partner Sandbox system is the same as above.

Partner Sandbox environments might be shared across other 3rd parties, please do not enter any sensitive data into these systems.

Delivery of Key and Secret

After requesting access to one of the systems above, it can take up to 5 working days to process.

Once approved, your named individual receives an encrypted URL, which includes the Key and Secret.

They also receive a text message to their mobile phone with the decryption key to access the URL and download the Key and Secret.

The URL is valid for 1 week, and you can download the key and secret as many times as you like within this timeframe. Ensure to copy and store the key and secret securely within one week.

Requesting a meeting to discuss the API

If you would like a call to discuss the API, its usage, capabilities or application as part of a wider project, please request this via