Deactivate Users

This guidance is only for IRIS Financials Version 7.0.2223 or later. If using version 7.0.2103 or earlier, go to Deactivate a user's account.

CUSTADMIN access only

Accounts for users who have left your organisation or that no longer needs access to IRIS Financials must be deactivated. If requirements change in future, the account can be activated again.

User accounts should only be deleted if they were created in error. To keep user IDs attached to transactions and documents for audit, users who have accessed and used IRIS Financials must not be deleted.

  1. Go to Maintenance, then select Users.

  2. Find and select the user.
  1. Select EDIT.
  2. Clear selection of Active.
  3. SAVE the changes.

If the deactivated a user is assigned as an approver, to make sure orders are sent correctly for approval, you must assign a new approvers to the relevant cost centres.