Editing Document Settings

In previous versions of IRIS Financials, when a user changes a document, the original document is overwritten with the changes. In Version 7 of IRIS Financials there are three different settings to deal with changing existing documents, which is now carried out using the EDIT function.

This topic demonstrates each setting for the EDIT function used to change documents. For more information on how to edit a document, please see Editing and Reposting Documents.

The way IRIS Financials handles changing documents can be changed in Home > Settings > Global Defaults > Document refactoring mode.

Changing the Refactoring Mode affects all users.

The three refactoring modes are as follows:

Transaction Deletions & Changes Refactored as Reversals
Transaction Deletions Refactored as Reversals
No Refactoring Applied

Transaction Deletions & Changes Refactored as Reversals

Any changes to a document are recorded on the same document. The items that have been changed or deleted are displayed as a reversal on the original document.

For example: ASNR 3 has been posted to the IESFA Account in error.

When the document has been edited, the new account is displayed and the old account has been reversed and allocated on the same document.

This provides an audit trail of the changes made to the document.

Transaction Deletions Refactored as Reversals

Only records detail lines of transactions on a document that have been deleted. If part of a transaction has been changed, it overwrites the original document and does not reverse the original document in the way the Transaction deletions & changes refactored as reversals setting would do.

For example: Transaction ASCC 6 has been posted to the ADMIN account.

If a user changes the Account to something else, for example, KCAT, it overwrites the original account and does not reverse the detail line.

If the detail line is deleted and a new detail line added, it is displayed as a reversal on the original document.

No Refactoring Applied

Any changes or deletions are not displayed as reversals on the document. This is how previous versions of IRIS Financials deals with changes to documents.

For example: Transaction ASCC 6 has been posted to the ADMIN account.

If a user changes the Account to something else, for example, KCAT, or deletes a row, it overwrites the original account or not display the original detail line if it has been deleted.

If you are using this method we recommend copying and reversing the document to show an audit trail of any changes made. You can then allocate this document with the original document. For more information, please see Cancelling/Reversing a Document/Transaction and Allocating and Unallocating Documents. A new document can then be created for the transaction with the required changes.